School Alerts

Parents and Carers

For parents and carers

Establishing a good partnership with parents is a priority for everyone here at Gooseacre Primary Academy.

We firmly believe that a successful school is a result of the combined efforts of staff, pupils, parents and carers and we encourage you to take an active role in your children’s education. We aim to be as transparent and open as possible in all we do and we welcome any questions or suggestions that you might have about your child or about Gooseacre Primary Academy in general. We will work hard to ensure that we communicate regularly with parents and carers and that you are always up-to-date with our activities and our plans for the future.

Parents’ evenings take place in the Autumn and Spring Term. The Autumn term will focus on target setting and the Spring  term meetings will be reviews of progress. All children, including those in the nursery, will receive an end of year written report. Information will be shared with parents in a weekly newsletter which updates parents on attendance levels, academy events and other news.

We encourage parents to join us to learn new things or help us in a range of ways. Gooseacre Primary Academy exists to serve all the community to contribute to its well-being and regeneration.

Our Family Liaison Officer – Mrs R Stansbury offers support for parents and is contactable at the academy.

Parent View – Please click on the link below:


DfE Compare Schools Entry – Gooseacre Primary Academy

Results of the most recent parent survey can be found here:


Parent Survey Leaflet April 2019

If, as a parent of a pupil attending this academy, you require a paper copy of the information on this website, we shall provide this free of charge.

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