It is important you inform us of any medical condition which might affect your child’s education or for which emergency aid may be necessary e.g. asthma, epilepsy.
Allergies also need to be registered on your child’s records e.g. food allergies, plasters etc. Asthmatic children may, following discussion and agreement between parents and School, keep their anti-asthmatic inhalers with them throughout the school day. However, we do prefer to keep inhalers in the classroom so that a child’s use can be closely monitored.
Prescribed medication should be brought to school by the parent or an adult authorised by the parent. Administration of prescribed medication only will be undertaken by designated staff. Please do not send non-prescribed medicine to school. All medicines must be clearly labelled and kept in the original container; and to comply with our guidelines, the relevant form must be completed. Children will only be given prescribed medication once the form is completed.
Please see the academy office for further information.